Image for Google Spotlight Stories: Age of Sail

Google Spotlight Stories: Age of Sail

Age of Sail VR is the story of William Avery (Ian McShane), an old sailor adrift and alone in the North Atlantic. When Avery rescues Lara, who has mysteriously fallen overboard, he finds redemption and hope in his darkest hours. Directed by ACADEMY AWARD-winning filmmaker John Kahrs.
Review98.47%  452  7
GenresAdventure, Free to Play
DeveloperGoogle Inc.
PublisherGoogle Inc.
DemoNot available
  • Single-player
  • VR Only
Release dateNov 13, 2018
Supported OSWindows
Steam Deck Compatibility

Steam Deck does not support VR games

*languages with full audio support
Required age


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    Free to Play24Adventure22VR9

    Last update: 2024-05-02 (General data), 2024-05-02 (Steam Deck compat.), 2024-06-11 (Review data)

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