Aug 23, 2024
Enjoy the memories with a beautiful maid in your dreams and heal your fatigue in reality.
Store48 match out of 48 recommended games
Senren*Banka is a Japanese-style visual novel produced by Yuzusoft, a Japanese developer of romance VNs. This game commemorated Yuzusoft's 10th anniversary. It won numerous awards on the year of its release in Japan for its art, music, and characters.
Takamine Kousei was living a carefree college life until, one day, he tragically died in an accident. But then, the bizarre happened: Takamine Kousei opened his eyes again. And what's more, when he woke up, it was the morning of the very day, he had died.
For decades, superpowers and psychic abilities were thought to be mere science fiction, but the discovery of a certain particle called the "Astron" at the end of the 20th century proved to the world that these wondrous phenomena were real.
In a world where flying through the sky is as simple as riding a bicycle, the sport "Flying Circus" is all the rage. Following the discovery of anti-gravitons, special shoes that allow an individual to fly, Anti-Graviton Shoes, took the world by storm.
"As the world sank, I found you." In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. In a little town slowly being enveloped by the ocean, an unforgettable summer is about to begin for a boy and a mysterious robot girl...
《少女理论及其周边 -École de Paris-》是日本美少女游戏资深大厂Navel制作的超人气女装作品《近月少女的礼仪》的续作。讲述了前作主人公大藏游星为了陪同自己的妹妹里想奈前往巴黎留学而再次扮演小仓朝日成为女仆所展开的全新故事。本作曾在美少女游戏大赏荣获综合第3,剧本第1,作画第5等诸多奖项。
《想要传达给你的爱恋》是日本美少女游戏知名大厂AMUSE CRAFT旗下品牌Us:track制作的恋爱题材大作。人气原画师君岛青、仓泽磨子与白玉联袂为本作担当原画与角色设计,由知名话题剧本家新岛夕领衔编写剧本,并由业内资深音乐人水月陵制作音乐。本作各女主角也均由业内知名声优出演。
Tomohiro Izumi, recognized by himself and those around him as an introvert, is spending another quiet day in his little corner of his classroom… or so he thought.
From the creators of Angel Beats! and CLANNAD, Key, comes their latest emotional, award-winning journey. Follow protagonist Takahara Hairi as he travels to the secluded island Torishirojima, where he rediscovers what it means to enjoy summer vacation.
Help Miyako and Kakeru track down a superpowered serial killer before they strike again.