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This is a campus daily galgame, I hope you like it. 这是一款校园日常galgame,希望大家能喜欢。 これは日常系&学園モノのギャルゲーです。皆さん楽しんでいただけたら幸いです。
Feeling like the computer desktop is too dull? Need something cute to heal oneself? Come and try this new completely free and open source V-Pet simulator. A cute and adorable pet that supports various feeding interactions to accompany you in game learning is definitely your best choice!
与我的天使——小亦,在一起去温泉山庄的路上因为身体不适决定先回家休息。 隔天还在睡梦中就被天使给摇醒...小亦?不对,言叶和小忆?你们怎么在这里?! “sensei!到底谁才是你女朋友!” 我该如何做出选择啊...! 《冬日树下的回忆AFTER》是由12PM制作的《冬日树下的回忆》免费游玩的衍生作品,讲述了原作《冬日树下的回忆》中“真结局”之后发生的故事。
《冬日树下的回忆》是由2位爱好者组成的社团“12PM”首次发布的免费原创视觉小说: 我的梦想是成为一名教师或者医生,在学业结束后我收到了来自医院的第一份工作实习邮件。在这所医院里我将担任实习治疗师(sensei)的工作,而我负责的是一位叫“言叶”的女孩。 在照顾言叶一年之后终于马上要迎来了出院的日子,但是在某晚我却听到了有关”天使“的奇怪对话,为了帮助“言叶”我开始寻找事情背后的真相……
DongBeiZhiXia (a summer in the northeast of China)is a free visual novel, which tells the story that the protagonist followed parents' wishes to make one's living in Shenyang, met two online anchors Huniu and Daojiang by chance, and experience affairs one after another with Shamate.
Trek across ancient China in a dark, boundary-pushing visual novel inspired by traditional Chinese art with modern animation. Escort four girls to the prosperous city of Luoyang in a branching narrative with themes of revenge, cannibalism, involuntary servitude, and more on a redemptive journey.
The story is set in nondescript rural junior high scool. Tomoki belong to a club that mix literatureclub and tea ceremony club. That called "Kotonoha Circle." It was the night he saw Far fireworks. He meets soaked girl in the center of lake.
Welcome to the only killer dating show where ending up single means ending up dead! Date or die, it's up to your choices!
A spirit trapped in the mirror, a girl restrained by her elder sister, a younger sister suffering from serious illness.The second wave of NOeSIS and a story of troubled girls and boys.
This is a small tale from the end. The leftovers of mankind are destined to perish as the Arks break orbit. Suddenly, however, she's making me ask her out, an invitation to face the apocalypse together... a short but exquisite visual novel, "Dream Ending" is humanity's last love story.