Review | 91.67% 11 1 |
Genres | Adventure, Free To Play, Indie |
Developer | ひとりサークル「匙投げ部」 |
Publisher | Waku Waku Games |
Demo | Not available |
Category | |
Release date | Nov 21, 2022 |
Supported OS | Windows |
Steam Deck Compatibility | Unknown |
Languages | Japanese |
Age ratings | 2 age ratings found
Content warning | - |
Additional content | - |
DRM Notice | - |
User notice | - |
Game tags | |
Choose Your Own Adventure|49Visual Novel|44Adventure|40Female Protagonist|402D|38Comic Book|34Romance|28Text-Based|26Drama|24Mystery|22Free to Play|22Indie|21Dark|19Singleplayer|16 |
Last update: 2025-01-14 (General data), 2025-01-14 (Steam Deck compat.), 2025-01-22 (Review data)
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